Statement on line 4: ‘select’. Great for debugging. Code has about 400 lines. Some error statements are still as misleading or useless as WBT. Error was actually in line 187 where I forgot a ‘,’
Looking in all the wrong places when debugging. Nothing has changed
Need a beer to make your brain slow down? Way back then: 300 baud modem. Now: Customer help lines in wherever. After 1 (English) ,1,3,2,2,1. “Yes, the green power light is on”
Then Customer help lines: wait, wait, wait: help. Now: “we are experiencing a high volume of callers” Please call back never or be prepared to answer 25 questions to prove your are who you are and are not just calling because you love help lines
Computer frozen: then reboot. Now: reboot
Computer then: blue screen of death Now: 2nd out of 33 updates
Then: floppy disk. Now: threw out most of my CDs, DVDs (keep some for sentimental value and in case internet connection goes down. Same reason why I have old notebook that actually has a bay for a DVD. Prepared for serious downtime and Die Hard for the 12th time)
Internet down. Calling provider. Good thing I have hands free. Maybe they can add some Cat Stevens to their listen-while-you-wait music
Please visit our site at Yes, but I am Program names then: DTX001RA. Now: create_missing_Supplier_group
Still save my code every 2 minutes
Got an error calling because my internet is not working
No power. Fume. Call Ontario Hydro only to find that everybody else is calling too. Then: light candle and pray for power to come back soon. Now: put on LED Headlight and….read a book?!
Send an email with an attachment, but forgetting to attach the attachment. Then: oops, send 2nd email. Now: Outlook knows that I forgot the attachment and warns me. Smart Outlook
Then: Code. Now: configure, configure, configure. It’s all in the GUI interface
Then: coffee maker and stale coffee. Now: Keurig. A cup at a time. Works for me.
Insomnia. Then: read a book. Now: Let’s surf Australia. There is probably a shark attack or some kind of strange poisonous animal, bush fire or flooding
Then: directory: Now: Yes, I have folders, but they are on my shelf not my notebook
Then: see file extensions. Now: change default back to see file extensions
Then: help lines used “Y’all” now: These poor guys must be doing night shift
Then: help lines tried to help. Now: Help lines try to verify who you are
Then: getting stuck between help lines of 2 products to find the solution. Now: same, same. Pre-death purgatory
Then: installing your product from 22 3.5 ‘’ disks. Now: download. Yes there is advancement!!! I realized years ago that my last 2 notebooks do not even have a CD bay. Like when I tried to insert my ‘Stick It’ cd.
Win 8.1 with touch screen. Not that bad after first 2 weeks
Then: installing your product from 32 5 ‘’ disks. All you got was the product. Now: download Skype or FileZilla and you may get more than you asked for
Downloads: I admit, I once downloaded Ugly
Then: creating a different version every time you change a program. Now: same same
Programming productivity: then and now: Cut and Paste
Programming productivity for repetitive statements: Use Excel. Created 400 update statements with different customer IDs in 10 min. Amazing what you can learn when you work with really smart people